Other Miscellaneous Settings

This article walks you through how to change and update miscellaneous settings under the Settings tab.

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How To Change Miscellaneous Settings

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This is the third of three articles that explain the settings in Bucketlist where the company admins of the platform can make changes to the company information, point configuration and other miscellaneous settings. 

How To Change Miscellaneous Settings

  1. Select the drop-down menu in the top right corner
  2. Select Settings
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Miscellaneous box
  4. Show leaderboard: The leaderboard is turned on by default but you are able to turn off the leaderboard that is visible on the left navigation panel and on the Activity page
  5. Enable events: Events are turned on by default but you are able to remove this ability by unchecking this box
  6. Show full name in activity feed's recognitions: When checked, this will display the user's first and last name on the main page. This is helpful if you have people with the same first name so users know whom they are recognizing
  7. Approve all peer-to-peer recognitions: this is not used often but it allows you to approve all recognitions that are sent out by the Employee role. When checked, these recognitions will go to an approval queue where an admin would either approve or deny the recognition
  8. Do not create a temporary password when adding new users: this is related to single sign-on within the platform. If your company uses SSO, you'll want to ensure this is checked so users are directed through their SSO credentials to log into their account
  9. Overwrite employee's names when they are removed with: As users are removed from the platform, the user looses access to the platform but any past recognitions they have been part of will remain on the activity feed. This is important as we don't want any points associated with the recognitions to be lost for users who are still part of the platform. You have the option to overwrite the person's name with a different word or phrase
  10. Once completed, select the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page

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