How Do I Change Points Configuration For Roles?

This article walks you through how to change the configuration of the points for your Bucketlist roles within the Settings tab.

Quick Links:

How To Change The Points Configuration For Roles

Points Box

Configuring Points For Each Role

Points Budget

Video Explanation

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This is the second of three articles that explain the settings in Bucketlist where the company admins of the platform can make changes to the company information, point configuration and other miscellaneous settings. 

How To Change The Points Configuration For Roles

  1. Select the drop-down menu in the top right corner
  2. Select Settings
  3. On this page, you have the ability to make changes to the overall points settings within the platform as well as configure points for each role. Continue reading below to learn more about each section
  4. After you have made the necessary changes, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save Changes

Points box:

This area allows you to make changes to the overall points settings within the platform. Below are the descriptions of each setting and what can be adjusted.

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Give points for likes and comments: When this feature is turned on, a user who likes a post will receive 1 redeemable point and a user who leaves a comment will receive 2 redeemable points. 

Although this feature is great for boosting engagement, it is not commonly turned on as it means users are able to accumulate redeemable points without you being able to control it. 

Points have no monetary value:
This means all the points within your platform do not have monetary value but people are still able to share them. 

This is not a common feature as a main feature of many people's platforms is the sharing of monetary points but you do have the option if it best fits with your program.

Hide points from employees: **please ignore this feature as it is not functioning** If needed, your Bucketlist Implementation Specialist or Customer Success Manager can assist you in the back end if you would like to hide points from employees.

Points: By default, points are called point/points within the system but you have the ability to rename this to something more company-specific or creative. Feel free to get creative with this to align the program branding with your company. Some examples are Kudos, Bucks, Dollars etc. 

Leaderboard Points: These settings are related to the Leaderboard found on the left navigation panel and on the main Activity feed.

Reset on the 1st day of the month: The leaderboard will reset back to 0 on the first of each month and will fluctuate throughout the month

Trailing past 30 days: This is the default setting. It means the leaderboard does not reset but continues to fluctuate based on the previous 30 days

Reset on the 1st of the quarter: The leaderboard will reset back to 0 on the first of each quarter and will fluctuate throughout that quarter

How To Redeem Points:
Your Bucketlist Implementation Specialist will help fill this out as it has to do with the Bucketlist process for redemptions. You are able to add additional information pertaining to your company-specific items (items fulfilled by your company) that is useful for users when redeeming.

1 point equals how many dollars? 
This feature outlines how many dollars each point is worth. As you work through your budget, you will allot a certain number of points to distribute for each role. This feature is a great way to provide roles with more points without impacting the budget.

For example, if a role gets $5 to give a month and the point-to-dollar ratio is 1:1, that means the role will have 5 points to give. However, if the point-to-dollar ratio is 1 point = $0.10, that means the role will have 50 points to give. Although it's the same amount of money overall, the role will have more points to give out which increases engagement overall. 

The most common ratios are 1 point = $1 and 1 point = $0.10

Configuring Points For Each Role

This area allows you to configure points-to-give for each role. By default, Bucketlist has three (3) roles included in your platform: employee, manager and company admin. If needed, there is the ability to create custom roles outside of the default roles allowing you to break the roles down into more specific groupings. Please talk to your Implementation Specialist for assistance with this. 

Please read below for more information on the settings available for points configuration.

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Recognition enabled for Employee (or whichever role you are adjusting): This gives the role the ability to share and recognize their colleagues. We recommend having this checked so every role can recognize one another which will help with engagement overall. 

Employee (or whichever role you are adjusting) can give points: Even if the role does not have points to give, we recommend having this checked off as it allows the role to still give out recognitions. If the role will not have points-to-give, you will also need to check the Enable 0 point recognitions box as well as insert 0 into the Amount of points distributed to X box. Please see the image below outlining the settings for a role to have 0 points to give but still have the ability to give recognitions:

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Grant unlimited points for Employee (or whichever role you are adjusting): This means the role has unlimited points to give, perhaps a CEO etc. Note, this does not allow you to control the points given out from this role so we recommend only having this on for specific roles.

Never expire points for Employee (or whichever role you are adjusting): 
When this is unchecked, any points to give that are leftover after the point distribution interval expires (i.e. the week, month, quarter or year), those remaining points to give will expire. The role will then be given a new, fresh allotment at the start of the next interval. For example, if the role is given 50 points to give on a weekly basis and a user has 10 points left over at the end of the week, those 10 points will expire and they will be given a new 50 at the start of next week.

When this is checked, any remaining points at the end of the interval will roll over to the next interval and be added with the new, fresh allotment. For example, if the role is given 50 points to give on a weekly basis and a user has 10 points left over at the end of the week, those 10 points will rollover to next week and be added in with the fresh 50 for a total of 60 points to give. 

It's most common to leave this box unchecked as it motivates users to use their points more regularly and they also get notifications reminding them to come into the system to give out their points.

Enable 0 point recognition for Employee (or whichever role you are adjusting): 
This feature allows a role to give out recognitions without any points. This is very handy for times when someone wants to give a shoutout without points or if they have no points left to give, they are still able to give out recognitions. We recommend having this turned on for all roles.

Amount of points distributed to Employee (or whichever role you are adjusting): This is where you will input the point allotment for this specific role. Keep in mind your point-to-dollar ratio as that will help determine how many points a role gets. For example, if the employee role gets $5/week and your point-to-dollar ratio is 1 point = $0.10 - they would get 50 points. 

Points Distribution Interval: This allows you to decide how often the points refresh: weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. We recommend either a weekly or monthly interval as it encourages engagement and use of points. Anything higher allows people to build up points and potentially forget about recognizing often. 

Points Budget

As you adjust your points settings, you can review the points budget calculator to see the max budget for each role per person on a monthly and yearly basis. This is a great place to confirm against your overall budget to ensure everything aligns. 

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Video explanation:

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