Social Share FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the Social Share feature

Which social media platforms are supported with the Social Media Feature?

Currently, we support sharing on X (formerly known as Twitter) and LinkedIn. We are continually working on expanding our support to include more platforms in the future.

Who can use the Social Share feature?

The Social Share feature is currently only available to company admins at this time. We are working on making it accessible to more users in the future, but for now, only those with admin privileges can utilize this feature.

What can I share with the Social Share feature?

You can edit and customize the Bucketlist recognitions you wish to share before posting it on social media. This flexibility allows you to tailor the message to fit your personal or professional style, ensuring that the recognition is conveyed in the best possible manner.

Am I responsible for the content I share?

Yes, you are responsible for ensuring that the content you share does not include sensitive or confidential information. Always review your post carefully to protect privacy and adhere to any applicable company guidelines or regulations. Bucketlist is not responsible for the information you decide to share on Social Media.

Does the shared recognition include the names of the givers and receivers?

By default, we do not include the names of the individuals who gave or received the recognition. However, you have the discretion to add these details if you feel it's appropriate and have the necessary permissions from the individuals involved.

Can I choose which social media account to use for sharing?

Absolutely! You are in full control of which social media account you use to share the recognition. Whether it's your personal or professional account, you decide where the recognition will be posted.

Does the shared post link to the Bucketlist site?

The default settings include a link to the Bucketlist marketing site in the shared post. If you prefer not to include this link, you have the option to remove it before sharing.

Do you track or store information about my social media shares?

No, we do not track or store any information about your social media account, the actual share, or any activity related to the shared recognition. Your privacy is important to us, and we ensure that your social media interactions remain confidential and secure.