MFA is a security process that requires users to provide two or more different types of verification before logging into the platform.
Multi-Factor Authentication, or MFA, will require you to input your email and password (factor 1) and then a code from an authentication service (factor 2) to log in to the platform. This additional layer of security helps protect accounts even if one factor (like a password) becomes compromised.
If you are required to use MFA on your Bucketlist account, this article will outline what you need to know about setting it up and using it going forward.
Instructions for Setting Up MFA
As a user, if you login with MFA turned on for the first time:
- You will click Login as normal
- You will enter your email and password, and click login
- A passcode will automatically get sent to your email.
Step 2: Enter the one-time passcode sent to your registered email address (this code expires in 10 minutes).
If you have set up the MFA method, but have issues logging in, please contact and let us know you are having trouble logging in with MFA.