How to Integrate with WorkDay

To setup a Workday integration, the customer will need to provide a custom report that produces the data to an endpoint (URL) so we can read it.

The information needed to connect to the API that the customer needs to provide Bucketlist is:

  • The custom report's URL. For example, the URL would look like:

  • The API endpoint's username AND password

  • Once you have the custom report URL, your API endpoint username and password,  your Bucketlist rep will provide you with a secure folder link to upload this information so we can do the set up on our end.

The custom report/API should include these fields:

  • First_Name (mandatory)

  • Last_Name (mandatory)

  • Email (mandatory)

  • Employee_ID (mandatory) - It should be a unique employee ID (i.e. no 2 employees should have the same id)

  • Supervisor_ID (optional) - It should be a unique manager ID (i.e. no 2 managers should have the same id). Supervisor_ID is used to allow Managers to be notified via email when their direct reports get recognized or receives an Award.
  • Manager (optional) - The value should be 1 or 0 depending on if the employee is a manager or not. 1= Manager, 0= Not a manager.  Identifying Managers means the user will be a Manager role in Bucketlist. Not a manager means the user will be an Employee role in Bucketlist.

  • Hire_Date (optional) - The format should be yyyy-mm-dd

  • Birthday (optional) - The format should be yyyy-mm-dd or mm-dd (if you choose to not include the year)
  • Photo (optional) - This would be the encoded image directly - Note that depending on the size of the pictures and the amount of employees in the report, having the picture directly in the report might not be optimal. 

  • Groups- Other fields (string of characters) can be used to be mapped to an employee's "group". There can be more than one group per person. Group's are used for activity feed filtering OR for mapping Groups to custom Bucketlist roles (eg. outside of Manager or Employee roles, like Executive, Senior Manager, etc) Groups are most commonly identified or used with Departments, Division, Location, Store Number or Job Title.

Example of an API call response from Workday:

         "AnotherGroupField":"New York"
         "AnotherGroupField":"Los Angeles"
      ... more employee data here ...

In that example, the data in the fields 'Department' and 'AnotherTeamField' would be use to associate the employees to their respective group. In the example above, Mickey Mouse would be associated with the groups 'Sales' and 'New York'. Donald Duck would be linked to the groups 'Marketing' and 'Los Angeles'.