How to Prevent Bucketlist Rewards Emails from Going to Spam?

How to configure email servers to prevent Bucketlist Rewards emails from going to spam.

Quick Links:

Emails, Domains & IP Addresses To Whitelist

More detailed information

What to do if emails are still going to spam or not coming through

Whitelist the following:

Bucketlist email & server:

  • IP address:

Gift card provider email and domains:



Email server configuration 

All notification emails will come from the emails '' , '' and ''. These emails should be 'whitelisted' in your mail server's settings.  All platform email notifications will come from our mail server's IP address: This IP should also be whitelisted, if possible.

Recognition email notifications

For some customers when requested, email notifications are different from other email notifications in the sense that they change the 'from' part of the email to be the email of the employee that gave the recognition.

Depending on your mail server, it might be difficult to prevent this kind of email from going to spam, even by following the steps above.

Gift Card Emails

Most gift card emails will come from the emails ""  "", or "". If you are not receiving these emails first check your junk mail folder or follow this link to 'whitelist' this email and the IPs associated with it as well.

We recommend to whitelist the following domains for successful reward email delivery from our gift card providers:

Emails are still going to spam or not coming through at all?

Adjusting anti-spoofing/quarantine email settings

If your emails are still going to spam or are not showing up at all, it could be due to your organization's anti-spoofing rules blocking Bucketlist emails. If this is the case, it may be due to the following:

  • The "From" header containing your company name and being sent from a domain not tied to your organization.
  • Unsubscribe links: Some tools and spam filters will flag emails containing an 'unsubscribe link' as spam. Due to anti-spam law, we are obligated to add these links.
  • Multiple emails sent: Bucketlist Rewards sometimes can send a lot of emails in a small amount of time. Our mail provider will delay emails to ensure we aren't flooding mail servers, but some spam filters are more sensitive to this than others. 
To resolve this, whitelist the provided IP addresses and sender domains. Additionally, you may need to add an exception to your anti-spoofing/quarantine rules to allow these emails.

Contact email server administrator

If emails are still going to spam after whitelisting our IP address and our email address, you will have to contact your email server administrator or provider.

Unfortunately, there are many different email servers and configurations, so we don't know exactly what the problem is, but your email server administrator should be able to know which emails went to spam and why, thus giving them information on how to change the configuration of their spam filter.