Email Notifications

This is a list of all the email notifications that are available by default in every Bucketlist Rewards platform.


  • You can contact your Bucketlist Onboarding Manager or Customer Success Manager if you would like to disable an email notification for all users. Individual users can unsubscribe from specific email notifications.
  • Some notifications are dependent on certain platform configurations.

  • Access Request: When an employee requests access to the platform after a signup.

  • Access Request Approved: Email sent to the employee that requested access after signup.

  • Automated Award Depleted: Emails sent to all company admins when an automated award was scheduled to be given out, but its quota (by company) was reached.

  • Automated Award Given: Emails sent to all company admins when an automated award is given out to an employee.

  • Automated Award Group Depleted: Emails sent to all company admins when an automated award was scheduled to be given out, but its group quota was reached.

  • Award Reminder: Reminder for awards that are limited by company - sent to all managers and company admins.

  • Denied Access Request: Sent to an employee that requested an access request and the request is declined.

  • Employee Anniversary: Sent to all managers and company admins when an award's distribution type is set to 'notify managers.'

  • Event Canceled: Sent out to all the event's subscribers when an event is canceled.

  • Event Changed: Sent out to all the event's subscribers when an event is changed.

  • Event Comment: Sent out to all the event's subscribers when a comment is added on an event.

  • Event Comment Tag: Sent out to an employee tagged in a comment.

  • Event Invite Added: Sent out to an employee when he's added to an event.

  • Group Owner Removed: Email sent out to admins when an employee is removed and was the admin of a group.

  • Marketplace Item Redeemed: Sent to emails set as 'receiving redemptions' notification for that specific item. Only applies for company specific (client internally fulfilled items).

  • Platform Email Invitation: Invite sent out to employee that was added to the platform.

  • Nomination Approved: Email sent to the nomination creator confirming that their nomination was approved.

  • Nomination Created: Send a notification to managers when a nomination is created.

  • Nomination Declined: Email sent to the nomination creator telling them that their nomination was declined.

  • Note (Post an Update): Email to all employees when a note/update is poster in the 'settings' page.

  • Points Expiry Notice: Email sent out 5 days before a user's points to give expire. Email sent to all employees when their points to give are above the 50% threshold.

  • Recognition: Sent to a recognition recipient.

  • Recognition Approval: Sends notifications to all company admins when an award was given out and needs approval.

  • Recognition Comment Tag: Send a notification to an employee that was tagged in a comment of a recognition.

  • Recognition Comment: Sends a notification to the recognition recipient when a comment is added.

  • Recognition Denied: Sends a notification to the recognition creator when a recognition is not approved.

  • Recognition Published Supervisor: Send an email to the recognition recipient's supervisors when their employee is recognized. For awards, only awards marked as "Notify employee's manager by email" will send emails to the supervisors. If the company doesn't have any supervisors, that option won't appear on awards.

  • Reward Expiring Notice: Sends an email 7 and 2 days before a rewards attached to an award expires.

  • Team Member Added: Sent to an employee when added to a group.

  • Team Member Removed: Sent to an employee when removed from a group.

  • User Removed: Sent out to all company admins when an employee is removed (includes the employee's points amount that were not spent).

  • Weekly Date Based Awards: Emails to all employees when a birthday / work anniversary happened in the last 7 days (sent out once per week).